Technical Groups
Presentations by Group Leaders (10 minutes each) and short (5 minute) presentations by selected participants.
Group 6 does not meet on the first day and will have a plenary discussion followed by final recommendations on day 2.
Participants marked in green will make a short (5 minute) presentation in their groups. Some participants are assigned to multiple groups since there will be remixing of the groups in the second half of the breakout sessions.
Group 1: Video Processing and Video Understanding
Group Co-Leaders:
Rama Chellappa (UMD),
Gerard Medioni (USC)
JK Aggarwal also group 2
Narendra Ahuja also group 6
Robert Pless
Vinod Kulathumani
Amit Roy Chowdhury also group 3
Stefano Soatto also group 2
Rene Vidal
Ming-Hsuan Yang
Bir Bhanu
Jim Davis also group 2
Larry Davis also group 6
V Ramesh also group 4
Wes Snyder also group 4
Bi Song
Yanghai Tsin
Allen Y Yang also group 4
Group 2: Simulation, Graphics, Cognition and Video Networks
Group Co-Leaders:
Demetri Terzopoulos (UCLA),
Chuck Dyer (U. Wisconsin)
Ruzena Bajcsy also group 6
Jim Davis also group 1
Ioannis Kakadiaris
Aditi Majumder
Faisal Qureshi
Avideh Zakhor also group 6
JK Aggarwal
Norman Badler
Parag Havaldar also group 5
Tom Henderson also group 6
Stefano Soatto also group 1
Group 3: Wireless Video Sensor Networks, Communications and Control
Group Co-Leaders:
Antonio Ortega (USC),
Venkatesh Saligrama (BU)
Ian Akyildiz
Jie Chen
Mohan Kumar
Thinh Nguyen
Pramod Varshney also group 6
Mark Campbell
Raju Damarla
Jay Farrell
John Fisher also group 6
Aggelos Katsaggelos also group 6
Amit Roy Chowdhury also group 1
Satish Tripathi
Group 4: Distributed Embedded Cameras and Real Time Video Analysis
Group Co-Leaders:
Hamid Aghajan (Stanford),
Paul Brewer (Object Video)
Jenq-Neng Hwang also group 6
Sharad Mehrotra also group 6
Ray Rimey also group 5
Wes Snyder also group 1
Mohan Trivedi also group 6
Wayne Wolf (phone/internet)
Allen Y Yang also group 1
Rick Allan
Azer Bestavros
Rick Kremer
V Ramesh also group 1
Raghuveer Rao
Group 5: Applications
Group Co-Leaders:
Glenn Healey (UCI),
Bogdan Matei (Sarnoff)
Bojan Cukic
Mary Ann Harrison
Iouri Kompaniets
R Prasad/T Prabhakar
Parag Havaldar also group 2
Ted Isaacson
Shean T McMahon
Ranjit Pradhan
Ray Rimey also group 4
Peter Tu also group 6
Group 6: Educational Opportunities and Curriculum Development
Participants do not meet separately on day 1, but should be involved in preparing the final recommendations on day 2.
Group Co-Leaders:
Sharad Mehrotra (UCI),
Jenq-Neng Hwang (UW)
Narendra Ahuja also group 1
Ruzena Bajcsy also group 2
Larry Davis also group 1
John Fisher also group 3
Tom Henderson also group 2
Aggelos Katsaggelos also group 3
Mohan Trivedi also group 4
Peter Tu also groups 5
Pramod Varshney also group 3
Avideh Zakhor also group 2